"New" Concepts

Hey guys and gals! 
It´s been a long time. ouch!! I regret this but you will see a lot of updates from now on!
First off, here are some concept art made for a Norwegian christmas movie that will be released this Christmas. So if you are a norwegian, make sure to check it out! Especially if you have kids.
These were made last year, but I have a ton to show so why not start far back :D

Two concepts for a commercial

Hi again! Yet another update this week. This time a couple of concepts made for a commercial made by Øyedrops. Bjørklund is a chainstore in Norway which sells jewelry. You can see the final video on their website. A small but fun task - and I think Øyedrops did a great job converting these concepts into a 3d world. The intention was to make something sort of like Alice in wonderland, but more "glamourized" as it´s for a jewelry vendor. You can find the other concept in the Concept Art section. 

Artplant gets support from Norwegian Filmfund!

Hi again, just want to tell some good news. Well, for us at least. Norwegian Filmfund just granted us (Artplant) 800k NOK for developing a prototype of an MMO game we call Skjaersilden. No more info is public yet, so stay tuned :)

Anyway, as part of the presentation we did some artwork and whatnot. This is one concept I did in 2-3 hours. Thanks to Mikael for a rough thumbsketch which I based the painting on.