The Crowns of Croswald - Book4
Above: Front and Back cover illustrations
Below: Small outtake of book content decoration illustrations
These are some of the illustrations I did for the the latest 4th book in The Crowns of Croswald serie. You can check out the book and a lot more on the authors homepage
Client: D.E.Night
Dome 16 : Concepts
Dome 16/Kuppel 16 is a new Norwegian Sci-fi serie in progress by Tordenfilm. These are three images as I made as initial concepts for the serie.
Marketing poster for The crowns of Croswald serie
These are some marketing images/posters made for the book series Crowns of Croswald by D.E.Night. Check out her page for more information
Crowns of Croswald paintings
Here are two paintings done for Crowns of Croswald, a fantasy book serie written by D.E.Night. These are marketing images for the 3rd book in the serie.
Crowns of Croswald "The words of the wandering" book cover
This is the front and back cover illustrations for D.E.Nights new 3rd book for the book series Crowns of Croswald which I recently made.
Sporveien Commercial Poster
Architectural Concept Viz - Malling & co
An architectural perspective I did for Malling & co - business real estate.
Client: Pulse Communications
Elkjøp brand/profile design concept
These are brand concepts I did the the norwegian electro chain Elkjøp in 2017. This design was never used, but it was a fun style to explore nonetheless. Client: Clockwork
Captain Sabertooth - The magical Diamond - Concept art
These are some very early concept sketches for the poster and, characters and environments for the coming Captain Sabertooth movie from . Captain Sabertooth and the magical diamond will be a full length norwegian Animation movie which will premiere this fall in Norway.