The Crowns of Croswald - Book4

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Above: Front and Back cover illustrations
Below: Small outtake of book content decoration illustrations

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These are some of the illustrations I did for the the latest 4th book in The Crowns of Croswald serie. You can check out the book and a lot more on the authors homepage
Client: D.E.Night

Dagfinn Lyngbø - Colonization of Mars - Stand UP Show

Videos made for Dagfinn Lyngbø’s Stand Up show “Driving rules during the colonization of Mars” (intro, outro, content). Client: Stand Up Norge.
Main video, the outro, is the ending of the show which revisit many of the jokes told during the show, but on Mars. (Norwegian language only)

Former intro for the show (before the Pandemic regulations was reduced):

Christmas in Skomakergata : Concepts

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These are a bunch of concept art I made back in 2014 for a potential movie based on a Norwegian christmas calendar serie called “Jul i skomakergata/Christmas in the shoemaker street”. In 2020 the movie was finally announced and is officially in production by Nordisk film. Little information has currently been given about the project and I do not know how much of the concepts will be carried out through the film.