These are branding logos for NRKs “Summer Open” TV show, spanning from 2018-2021. Made with Illustrator
NRK - All of Norway is Swimming
I recently made the logo for a Norwegian joint venture between NRK, RSS and others to increase peoples awareness of swimming skills. I also did the intro and bumper videos for the TV show. Click the images to see the short videos.
Dome 16 : Concepts
Dome 16/Kuppel 16 is a new Norwegian Sci-fi serie in progress by Tordenfilm. These are three images as I made as initial concepts for the serie.
Christmas in Skomakergata : Concepts
These are a bunch of concept art I made back in 2014 for a potential movie based on a Norwegian christmas calendar serie called “Jul i skomakergata/Christmas in the shoemaker street”. In 2020 the movie was finally announced and is officially in production by Nordisk film. Little information has currently been given about the project and I do not know how much of the concepts will be carried out through the film.
Marketing poster for The crowns of Croswald serie
These are some marketing images/posters made for the book series Crowns of Croswald by D.E.Night. Check out her page for more information
Crowns of Croswald paintings
Here are two paintings done for Crowns of Croswald, a fantasy book serie written by D.E.Night. These are marketing images for the 3rd book in the serie.
Crowns of Croswald "The words of the wandering" book cover
This is the front and back cover illustrations for D.E.Nights new 3rd book for the book series Crowns of Croswald which I recently made.
Dyreparken : Sabeltann Theatre
This is a 3d model concept I did for Dyreparken in Kristiansand (Norways biggest Zoo) as a concept for the new theatre they will build this summer. The concept served two purposes, how the building should look and as marketing material. Click the image to see a video loop in motion.
Client: Qvisten Animation / Dyreparken
Ella Bella Bingo
Theses images are an outtake of the various concept art I did for the 3d Animated movie Ella Bella Bingo, developed by Frank Mosvold & Gimpville