A video for Budstikka and an Announcement!

Sooo, I thought it was finally about time to add another category to my website. I've been doing so much motion graphics for the past year/s that I felt it was about time I put some focus to it. So in the menu above you will now find a tab called "motion" which only includes motion graphics and videos that I participated or made entirely. 

About this video... It was made for Budstikka, a local newspaper in Norway which recently did their transition to digital media and needed a video to celebrate the transition to their facebook members.
For the technical interested: I made this one using After Effects. I animated the newspaper in the end using 3DS Max and it was rendered through Element 3D in After Effects. 

Stortingsvalget 2017 (parliamentary elections 2017 - Norway)

Click for larger image

Click for larger image

Click for larger image

Another update and 3D this time as well :)
These models were made for Nucleus AS for the Primary Elections in Norway. The 3D renders will be used in various marketing campaigns, both as still images and moving posters. The graphic design was done by Nucleus, my involvement was the 3d models, rendering and animation. 

Rite Explainer Video #2

Long time no update! And for that I'm sorry. It's not because I haven't been busy, on the contrary I've been very busy. I will try to add a few updates towards Christmas.

Starting off with this video I did for RITE. If you checked into my webpage earlier, you might have seen the first movie I did for RITE. I don't usually do this kind of videos all by myself, but when I do I enjoy it a lot! This video was made using Photoshop and After Effects. I made everything from storyboard to final product on this one (except music and script) and it is meant as a "Explainer Video" for Rite. So if you wonder why you have latency on your internet, this video can explain it for you....Not that it will help you personally, but at least you will know why ;)

Explainer Video - RITE Latency

Hello! This is something completely different than what you have seen from me before. I did an explainer video for RITE  which explains internet latency. So this is pretty much the first time I've shared a motion video were I created the video in addition to the drawings (I will create a new category for my page later with more of this). Anyway, the video was created in After Effects, and because of the detailed topic and length this video was quite a lot of work actually. Anyway, hope you enjoy and learn something about how internet works at the same time ;)